Marketing My Book

Becoming a published author is like becoming a parent - the real work starts when it's born!

The first 100 days after your book's publication are one of the most significant times in its life. If you get the launch campaign right, you will create natural momentum for your book and generate many opportunities!

Having invested so much of yourself in writing your book and securing its publication, giving it the best start in life is critical.

PublishU author Jess Hymus-Gant and her book featured on the BBC

The PublishU ‘Marketing My Book’ programme begins three months before your book's global publication to support you in planning and preparing for your 100-day launch campaign.

The programme continues by delivering your launch campaign to encourage, support, and advise you on giving your book the best start in life possible.

You are provided with a campaign framework, coaching support and a peer community...

  • Campaign Framework: Access the 'Marketing My Book' campaign framework with step-by-step actions, links to recommended resources, and off-the-shelf templates to plan your online presence, in-person launch event/s, and media promotion.
  • Coaching Support: Meet with PublishU founder and prolific author Matt Bird every month for six months (the first Wednesday of every month, 0800-0900 UK time), the three months before your publication and the three months after, to benefit from his expert guidance and practical support.
  • Peer Community: Join a peer group of other new authors who are also on the same journey of launching their book so you can learn together and support one another on the journey.

On completion of your 100-day launch campaign you will automatically graduate to our complimentary PublishU 'Global Authors Club' where you will join with other authors for ongoing support and help in promoting your book to the world!

The 'Marketing My Book' programme costs £495 +VAT; if you are a graduate of the 'Writing My Book' course you have access to the special price of £395 +VAT.

PAY FOR: Marketing My Book £495 +VAT

PAY FOR: Marketing My Book (Writing My Book graduate) £395 +VAT

“Immensely helpful! After enjoying the ‘warm glow’ of publication, I knew I was not confident about promoting my book. The 'Marketing My Book' programme combines helpful, practical wisdom with supportive accountability, which kept me proactive in making the most of the first 100 days of my book’s life.” Leslie Newton, Author

Book Your Place

Meet Matt

About The Coach

Matt Bird was placed in remedial English classes at school and left believing he was stupid but later discovered he was dyslexic. He has now authored 20 books, has won a book of the year prize and writes for publications such as The Times newspaper. He coaches 100+ people a year to become authors and publishes 50+ books a year. He believes that if he can write a book, then with his help, so can you!