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Study Guide (Book accompaniment)


PublishU encourages non-fiction authors to create a Study Guide to accompany their book so that readers can engage with the message of their book in small groups. There are three main benefits to creating a Study Guide:

  • Interactive Engagement: Providing people with an interactive way to engage with your book's main content within a small group setting.
  • Book Sales: Each person who works through the study guide in a small group is highly likely to buy a copy of your book.
  • Fresh Promotion: The publication of the Study Guide will create a natural reason to continuously promote your book again.

The content of your book belongs to you as the author, and the format (cover and typeset) of the book belongs to your publisher. PublishU will provide you with three things to make the creation of a Study Guide possible:

a) COVER designed by PublishU to mirror and yet be distinctive from the author’s book cover and a LICENSE to use it.

b) TEMPLATE that provides a generic shape and structure for the study guide contents.

c) STYLE GUIDE to help you create a professional and consistent look and feel (e.g. specification for headings, subheadings, body text and line spacing).

Authors are required to rigorously copy edit and proofread their Study Guide personally and using our currently recommended generative AI editing service

PublishU will check and sign off on the final version of the Study Guide, which will then be provided to your dedicated book webpage on our website for free download. You can also give the Study Guide PDF away via email, WhatsApp or your own website.